Dear valued customer,

Thank you for your order. We have been forced to make a change in our terms of payment. We have experienced very large accounts receivables in the last year and in order to mitigate this we are now asking for a valid credit card number and authorization to use that card when an account becomes more than 30 days past due. This means that thirty days after you have been invoiced , if we don't receive payment we will bill your credit card. All of our other terms will remain the same.

With pre-payment you will receive a two percent discount, payment received in Hakalau, Hawaii within 10 days of invoice date is -1%. Eleven to thirty days is net. Payment by credit card at time of purchase is net. Invoices over thirty days will be charged 1.5% per month by agreement. Credit card payments over thirty days from invoice date will be charged two percent. Discounts apply only to products, not shipping and packing charges.

We really want to be fair about the way we do business, but some customers have taken advantage of us and we are now forced to implement this new practice. Please print this, fill it out and fax it back to us at 808.963.6736.

Please fill out and return.

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Name _____________________________________________

Company Name _____________________________________


Card Number _______________________________________

Expiration Date _____________________________*CVV2 Number __________

I agree to the terms outlined above. Today's Date ______________

Signature ___________________________________________

*Last three digits of the number on the back of the credit card in the signature block.